BKF Coffee Maker Descaler 355ml
BKF Coffee Maker Descaler 355ml
Extend the life of your coffee maker – use Bar Keeper's Friend Coffee Maker Descaler to remove mineral scale that can ruin the heating element.
• Add 30 mil for every 230 mil of COLD water to fill the coffee maker’s water reservoir. Do not overfill. • Remove any disposable filters or coffee pods from the coffee maker.
• Place the empty carafe or cup under the coffee discharge. • Initiate the brew cycle, and repeat until the reservoir is completely empty. For coffee makers with a clean cycle, initiate the clean cycle and allow the cycle to run completely. • Discard the used Coffee Maker Descaler from the carafe or cup and clean the carafe or cup thoroughly. • Fill the coffee maker reservoir with clean, cold water, and run another brewing cycle. • Dispose of used rinse water and clean carafe or cup again.